What we bring to the party...

 • Expert at goal centered, strategy based planning and implementation. Concept ideation through detailed planning and implementation of all project phases in all areas of project planning and execution.

Specializing in . . . Ground breaking start up projects. Proven expertise in group events, products and services marketing, communication in all media, life coaching.

• Focus is full service with a spirit of trusted partnership. In depth understanding and responsible engagement in all aspects of client operations.

Structural approach factors and integrates complete set of interrelated variables during all project phases. Empirically grounded strategy development based on in-depth analysis of all prime factors. All executional elements monitored ongoing for strategic compliance and short and long range consequences. Strategic reset as conditions develop.

• Providing a full range of skills and technical applications. Also drawing on expert associates to complete/extend quality of services. (See associated provider list.)

• Consulting with scientifically rigorous reporting and analysis to support effective client decision making, both at the planning stage and in ongoing assessment.

Clear, concise and jargon free communication. Respecting need for inclusive communication channels to ensure necessary information is available to all concerned.

• Drawing on 40 years combined interdisciplinary experience:

COMMERCE—product and service marketing and marketing communications. Fully conversant with all aspects of "marketing mix." Experience covers all business categories and communications disciplines. Fluent with project development from initial concept ideation through to implementation, both in test/trial and full implementation phases. 

NON-PROFIT—Engaged partnership and support for worthwhile ventures.

SCIENTIFIC—Bio-medical research and applied industrial R&D.

LIFE COACHING— Rolf Structural Integration training to support individuals through significant life change for everyday effectiveness, excellence in physical performance, and refined artistic expression.

PERSONAL APPROACH—Mature and politically sensitive ability to effectively relate and communicate to individuals with wide range of life and technical experience sets.